Warrawoona produced 16,177 ounces of gold, which included a record month of 5745oz in June.

June half-year production was 31,364oz, within guidance of 31,000-36,000oz.

The company said the record was particularly pleasing given the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Ilsa during the quarter.

All-in sustaining costs will be reported later this month but are expected to be within guidance of A$2000-2250 an ounce.

Argonaut Securities estimates Calidus made $5 million this quarter if costs were maintained and hedging delivered.

Calidus said production continued to steadily improve.

“This sets an excellent platform for continued growth through higher-grade pits and undergrounds,” the company said.

It hasn’t been smooth sailing for the company with Warrawoona’s mid-2022 start-up impacted by a lack of water, low material movement due to labour shortages and lower-than-expected grades.

Stage one of Warrawoona is expected to produce 70,000-80,000oz of gold per annum at AISC of $1700-1850/oz.

The addition of the Klondyke underground in stage two will lift production to more than 100,000ozpa at AISC of $1770/oz, while stage three will add the high-grade Blue Spec deposit for annual output of 130,000ozpa at AISC of $1650/oz.

A final investment decision for Blue Spec is expected later this year.