Gascoyne said it had hit 12.5 grams of gold per ton across 59 metres, of which 13 metres contained a really high grade of 51.1 grams per ton.

That, mining boffins reckon, is at least double the grades that Gascoyne’s got at the moment. It’s also pretty shallow and would be easy for the company to dig out relatively cheaply, they said.

It’s the sort of update that has ears pricked, waiting for something more.

Gascoyne’s no stranger to M&A; it drew two bids from Westgold Resources, which is about six times its size, while it already had a merger with Firefly Resources on the boil. The Firefly deal went ahead, while Westgold withdrew its scrip offer worth 53¢ a share at the time. [Gascoyne closed at 34¢ on Tuesday].

Gascoyne is expected to post more drilling results in about a month’s time, and additional higher grade discoveries would further cut its mooted all-in sustaining costs.

And from then, it could be game on.

Mid-cap miner Ramelius Resources is top of the list of potential acquirers. It has articulated its desire to acquire a third production centre at 100,000 ounces or more of annual production. Ramelius’s Mt Magnet is also close to Gascoyne’s projects.

Westgold could also decide to have another go, while it would also make sense for the $1.5 billion Capricorn Metals to take a look.

As for advisers, there’s no shortage of them buzzing around WA gold companies. Canaccord Genuity and Freehills were in Gascoyne’s camp this time last year, when Firefly/Westgold went down, while Argonaut tended to Westgold. Azure Capital has historically worked for Ramelius, while Sternship Advisers knows the lay of the land.

It comes as Gascoyne’s share price has taken a beating. While Dalgaranga’s results helped improve sentiment on Tuesday, the stock’s still in the doldrums with a $115 million market capitalisation, making it easily digestible by bigger players in WA gold.

Tuesday’s hits add to Gascoyne’s list of things that have drawn out suitors on the past: its value is hovering around the $100 million mark, it seems to have a good resource and a mill for processing.

It’s also got among the cheapest processing of the independent gold miners in Western Australia, thanks to a mill running on natural gas instead of diesel.

As an example, Westgold Resources spends about $32 to process a ton, followed by Ramelius at about $25. Gascoyne’s way lower, at $14 a ton processing cost.

Its lower costs are something that would stick out to any potential buyers, at a time when smaller miners are reporting higher costs across the board.