The rally has been driven by surging electric vehicle sales in 2021, which were more than double the levels seen in 2020.

But Pilbara Minerals boss Ken Brinsden said lithium supply had proved weaker than expected as producers either struggled to increase output or acted cautiously when restarting assets they were forced to close just two years ago when the battery minerals prices were enduring a bear market.

“It is tough to bring on additional capacity in an environment where you were previously being punished. A very low pricing environment had meant that every producer had slowed down,” he said.

“It is highly likely that on the supply side there will be challenges and it is probably the case that the supply response is already being overstated, so it is against that challenging environment that the price is surging.”

Pilbara received close to $US1800 per tonne for its spodumene concentrate over the past three months – a far cry from mid-2020 when the same product fetched closer to $US410 per tonne.

But Mr Brinsden said customers on long-term contracts were likely to pay closer to $US3000 per tonne in the three months to March 31, with sales in daily markets potentially fetching even higher prices.

That guidance was more ambitious than was provided by IGO Group, which said the spodumene sold from the Greenbushes mine would receive $US1772 per tonne in the six months to June, up from $US592 per tonne in the previous six months.

Asked why it expected to receive prices so far below those of Pilbara Minerals, IGO managing director Peter Bradford said he could only assume that Pilbara contracts had a more contemporaneous link to daily market prices.

Contract prices for Greenbushes’ product were set by the prices witnessed over the previous three months.

“Obviously Pilbara has a faster price-setting mechanism on theirs and that is a great outcome for Pilbara,” he said.

IGO is still well ahead on its acquisition of a minority stake in Greenbushes and an associated processing plant at Kwinana. That acquisition is based on long-term spodumene prices of $US590 per tonne.

Mr Brinsden warned that his company and many others would not be able to fully capitalise on the lithium price boom as severe labour shortages in WA threatened to force a second downgrade to export volumes within two months.

Pilbara originally planned to export between 440,000 and 490,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate in the year ending June 30, but in December, it downgraded that target to between 380,000 and 440,000 tonnes.

That downgrade was driven by many factors, including labour shortages. Barely one month on, Pilbara warned that further downgrades were possible.

“Since then, the company has continued to experience delays with the ramp-up of both the Pilgan and Ngungaju plants,” it said in a statement to the ASX on Monday.

It said the delays were “largely due to labour shortages across the industry as a result of ongoing border lockdowns”.

Pilbara said another review of production and export guidance was under way. The guidance was expected to be provided at the company’s financial results in late February.

Mr Brinsden said temporary labour was particularly hard to find in WA.

“When something breaks or when we have got to do a shutdown, you typically can’t get the labour, at least not in the way we used to, to create the peak load that is required to get the jobs done quickly,” he said.

“A shutdown that should have taken 36 hours takes 72 hours and a broken ball mill coupling takes 56 hours to fix when it should have taken 24 hours.

“The mining contractors feel it as well, they typically have a slightly higher transitory workforce and they are highly mobile and what is happening now is everyone is fishing from the same pool in that contractor space and it is leading to lots of challenges.

“The sooner the borders open and we get the mobility back in the workforce is the key.”

WA originally pledged to relax border restrictions on February 5 but has reneged on that vow without providing an alternative date.

Several business leaders, including Wesfarmers boss Rob Scott and Qantas chairman Richard Goyder, have since vowed to relocate to the eastern states.

OZ Minerals boss Andrew Cole said an open WA border would be an important ingredient in his company’s decision on whether to spend $1.1 billion on a new nickel and copper mine in the state this year.

Fastmarkets analyst Benedikt Sobotka said electric vehicle sales were not expected to slow down any time soon.

“Just a year ago, most of us would have sniggered with disbelief at the prospect of EV sales more than doubling in 2021,” he said in a statement.

“Yet it is now a reality, and the pace of EV adoption shows few signs of losing momentum, being supported by the global transition to a greener future.”