Previously part of the global exploration portfolio of gold major Newmont, Christmas Creek has yielded a number of promising finds – notably the Martin prospect, where drilling in late 2024 delivered thick, high-grade intercepts which will be followed up this year. 

Those intercepts included:

  • 10m at 12.66g/t gold from 59m; and 
  • 10m at 7.34g/t gold from 94m.

The Martin discovery is interpreted to be an orogenic gold system, with similar characteristics to the large Tanami deposits over the border in the Northern Territory.

The occurrence of visible gold is a positive indication from a geological and processing point of view, pending metallurgical testing.

“In our view, the Christmas Creek project represents a major discovery opportunity as part of the upcoming drill season, with the potential for a large-scale orogenic gold find of considerable scale that we believe could quickly re-rate Trek,” Trek Metals (ASX:TKM) CEO Derek Marshall said.

“Thanks to the initial drilling completed last year and the work we have completed over the past few months, this opportunity has now been significantly de-risked as we move towards the next phase of drilling.”

The visible gold, together with recently reported down-hole televiewer data, which confirmed a series of stacked/sheeted veins, has supported Trek’s plans to start the next phase of drilling as soon as possible. 

This drilling will target interpreted extensions to the high-grade orogenic gold veins at Martin.

“Orogenic gold systems offer the potential for large, high-grade and long-life gold deposits,” Marshall said.

“They are the most economically important gold deposit type globally.”

“The next round of major gold discoveries in Australia is likely to come from areas such as this, where the gold-bearing host rocks are obscured by recent sand cover – meaning this is a completely new search space.” 

Trek sees strong geological analogies in this district to the Tanami region of the NT, which is what attracted Newmont to enter into a joint venture and spend $6 million working up early-stage targets.

“We have been the beneficiaries of this work and, with a significant breakthrough already achieved at the Martin prospect, we are looking forward to seeing what our next round of drilling can deliver,” Marshall said.

The field crew will be mobilised in the coming weeks to establish a field camp and commence drill site preparations for the upcoming drilling – which is scheduled for May.