But there aren’t many who quit to become a professional artist only to end up a mining prospector. It’s a twist of fate that paved the way for Harmanis to become a long-term member of the Financial Review Rich List.

With a Frank Lowy-style knack for timing, Harmanis sold Jubilee Mines for $3.1 billion just as the nickel market peaked in 2007. He’d pocket around $470 million and leave corporate life to pursue his passion for surfing and tai-chi while toiling away at various equity and property investments.

Yet, it hasn’t been enough to keep him satisfied. Now, at 74, the low-key executive, estimated to be worth $766 million in the 2022 Financial Review Rich List, published this Friday, is back in the thick of it.

Lured out of retirement by a $28 million exploration minnow, his eyes gleam as he outlines how his latest venture, Talisman Mining, is on the cusp of a find.

“We are well on our way. I’m very confident,” he says. “I’ll be staggered if we don’t find something, or two, this year. But you never know until you’ve got it, he says with a calmness honed by decades of daily meditation.

Born in Adelaide, Harmanis has a long history searching for metals. His father, a Greek migrant, was a carpenter-turned prospector. He discovered the Frances Creek iron ore deposit in the Northern Territory in the 1960s.

“In the late 1950s and early 1960s I was on drilling rigs. I saw my dad develop an iron ore mine, and do an export deal with Sumitomo to export iron ore to Japan from Darwin,” he remembers.

And so, after his application to join Claremont Art School was rejected, and in his mind clear that he no longer wanted to practise law, he went bush, and started prospecting.

It’s a job full of long days. In his early days, Harmanis sold seafood from a van at Leighton Beach to provide income as he scoured for metals.

He’d go on to float Jubilee on the ASX in 1987. It proved tough going. A gold venture would fail in 1994 and Harmanis would put his hand in his pockets and throw in $900,000 to keep the company going. Jubilee turned to nickel and in 1997 found the Cosmos deposit. The penny dreadful hit the big league.

Now, Harmanis is deploying his mining philosophy at Talisman. As he puts it, it’s about putting a good team together, having money for exploration, and owning a good tenement package.

But why now? He hardly needs a day job.

“It wasn’t sitting well with me [retirement],” Harmains says. He sought counsel from a mentor, John Demartini, a Texas-based human behaviour expert behind the Demartini Method.

“He said to me, what do you want to do? Have a Rolex watch and shrivel up? He said you have to do what fires you up. Do what gets you out of bed in the morning,” Harmanis says.

“What I really like is creating teams, making deals happen, getting a great mineral exploration portfolio and making it happen.”

And so, he’s doing just that. It’ll be two years in July since he became chairman at Talisman, a company in which he’s the largest shareholder with an 18 per cent slice. He came for the challenge; he elected not to receive a salary or be issued with any shares in his role as non-executive chairman.

He spent around $18 million building his stake, buying into the company in 2007 initially for an iron ore project it held. Talisman later sold it and the mine, Wonmunna, is now part of Rich Lister Chris Ellison’s Mineral Resources. The transaction included a royalty agreement.

That has Harmanis excited. The mine entered production last year and with it came Talisman’s first monthly royalty cheque. To date, it’s pocketed $5.35 million.

“We are one of few junior companies that has an income.”

The monthly royalty cheque covers the bulk of its exploration costs, with Harmanis adding if they ever did have to go to capital markets he’d “chuck money in”.

He’s sitting in Talisman’s West Perth offices, wearing shorts, a company-logo polo shirt and black thongs. He stands up to the whiteboard featuring the map of its sprawling 6000 square kilometres of prospecting ground at its Lachlan copper-gold operation. But it’s not in WA. Instead, this latest devotion is on the other side of the country.

“I was a bit reticent,” he confesses about exploring land in central west NSW. So reticent he got his team to look for ground to toil in WA instead. “Everything was telephone number prices; they were stupid prices. So I had another look [at what we had].”

He believes Talisman has enough scale in the right place to find the proverbial pot of gold. And, because it’s got steady cashflow, it’s been able to spend money on aerial magnetic work to pinpoint targets to get drilling on. It’s a process Harmanis says puts them two years ahead of the game.

His assembled a management team that includes Shaun Vokes, the former chief financial officer Harmanis installed as chief executive two months after he became chairman. It then poached Russ Gregory from Rio Tinto, where he’d spent 12 years, to be its exploration manager.

Harmanis isn’t your typical miner. He knows some in his industry raise an eyebrow to his devotion to meditating. He looks past it because he knows the practice makes him a better leader. It also makes him a better investor.

He tells the story about how he knew the time was right to sell Jubilee.

“This is where meditation comes in,” he says. “I already had a good antenna. But meditation gives you the antenna supreme to read what’s going on because you’re less affected by extraneous static.

“We needed a bigger balance sheet, I could see the [nickel] market was coming to an end. So, I meditated. And it just came to me. Sell. Sell. It was almost like divine intervention. The next morning I got up and went into the office. I said I want to sell. It’s time.”